HEALING FROM WITHIN. Self Care. Self Heal. Becoming Well. Begin From Within.
HEALING BEGINS WITHIN. 🔴🔴 Do you believe that the body can cure itself .Self cure, self heal and improved health begins from within us.
🔴🔴 2017: A person was diagnosed with cervix cancer. While waiting for day of operation, she felt lost, felt depressed, felt pain, lost appetite, was always vomiting & "life" was just not right at all.
🔴🔴 After operation, she was still suffering from internal tummy pain, constipation, coldness on both her legs and recovery was like a slow nightmare..
🔴🔴 Three weeks had gone by. A friend coaxed her to wear #Aulora #Kodenshi pants. It did not take 24 hours for her to begin feeling change for betterment happening. She began to feel changes and the improved physical feel in her body. To her surprise, pain had reduced. There was no more cold legs. The numbness no longer showed. She could easily move her body painlessly. She could walk. Getting in and out of bed and chair was at ease. Sitting longer was comfortable. There was relief in her constipation.
🔴🔴 It did not take many more days to feel pain drop from her self scaled 10 to 2. She was now able to say goodbye to body pains.
🔴🔴 She became more thank full to her friend who made her change the wear to #Aurola #Kodenshi.
#Kodenshi, has its own mechanism of its woven content that stimulates blood circulation. Blood circulation is what feed the cells from head to toe with oxygen and nutrients. It is blood that helps rid toxins from within and out of the body. IImproved blood circulation improves body and health.
Call 0163712762 to discuss with K Thiru