Thursday 13 August 2020

What is Kodenski?

What is Kodenshi? How Safe Is Infrared Rays? 
What is Aulora? 

What is Kodenshi?

What are Aulora pants and garments for?

Is This Infrared rays safe?

Kodenshi photoelectronics pants is made from safe materials and is ideal for everyone.
What substance is used?
What is photoelectronics?
Would far infrared rays cause any harm to the human body?  

What is far infrared heat energy? All plants, animals and us human beings need sunlight to survive.  We need the far infrared and  vitamin D from the sunlight.

Far infrared light waves which is an invisible form of radiation, helps gently to warm our body on the inside, deep to the cellular level. The best thing about far infrared is that you can be exposed to infrared rays from the sun for a few hours. The body and skin is not harmed at all. This is absolutely safe and hospitals have the same "technology" to keep the body temperature of newborn babies! 
Mothers and grandmothers often had their babies place out, under the morning sun.  

Over the years, extensive research has been carried out globally on the numerous medical and health benefits of infrared thermal therapy. Far infrared heat energy emerges as one of the most effective and safest ways to remove countless toxins from the body. #Far-#infrared #rays used in several ways in various diseases, has the ability to effectively remove toxins. We know today, that this accumulation of toxins within us is the cause of many health problems. 

 Far infrared heat energy rays, can penetrate deep into the body. It helps to warm the muscles, joint tissue and organs, also activates the cells and helps boost metabolism. Increased metabolism, reduces , fat. Many studies have shown that far infrared therapy improves blood vessel functions and enables  increased blood circulation, Cholesterol gets reduced. Blood pressure and blood sugar controls get to be under control and limits. Just these few helps people to lose weight. In fact, the Japanese use this method to treat sunburn and promote skin health. Thus, for most living things, is absolutely safe and healthy. 

Our #AULORA Pants with #KODENSHI help direct far infrared deep into the body. They help in the harmless way of removing and flushing away toxins from our cells deep within us.  

Call 016-3712762, Discuss with K Thiru

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